There are two opinions as to the order of placing the symbols on top of the Seder plate.
The first is according to the ARIZA”L:
The Seder Plate is placed before the head of the household (the one who conducts the Seder).
- Three Matzot are placed in the three compartments of the
Seder plate
The top Matzah represents the Kohein, the middle Matzah represents the Levi and the third Matzah represents the Israel.
We now place the symbols on top of the Seder Plate.
Top right, we place the Shank Bone, which represents the Passover sacrifice.
Opposite top left, we place the hard Boiled egg which represents the usual Festival sacrifice.
In the middle, just beneath the two top symbols, we place according to the arizal the Marror (Bitter herbs), which can have a combination of the various species of Bitter Herbs
To the right, just beneath the Bitter Herbs, we put the Charoset.
Opposite left, we place the karpas (vegetable).
In the middle at the bottom, we place more Bitter herbs (a combination of various species of Bitter Herbs can be used). This is to be used for Koreich in the Hillel Sandwich later on during the Seder.
Salt water is placed on the table.
The second opinion is according to the RAMA”H:
The Seder Plate is placed before the head of the household (the one who conducts the Seder).
We now place the symbols on top of the Seder Plate.
• Top right, we place the Shank Bone, which represents the Passover Sacrifice.
• Opposite top left, we place the hard Boiled egg which represents the usual Festival sacrifice.
• Beneath the Shank Bone, we place the Marror (bitter herbs), which can have a combination of various species of bitter herbs.
• Underneath the Hard Boiled Egg, we place the Charoset. • In the middle, beneath the Marror & Charoset, we place the three Matzot.
At the bottom, on the right, we place the karpas (vegetable).
On the bottom, on the left, we place the Salt water.