Every Jew is required to remove all Chametz from his home, property, and any premises under his jurisdiction, prior to the onset of Pesach. Even if one will not be on the premises during the Pesach period, provided one is there within 30 days of Pesach, one is obligated to remove all Chametz prior to Pesach. To facilitate removing all Chametz, each Jew is obligated to carry out a thorough search in all places where Chametz may have been kept or consumed during the preceding year.
THIS YEAR: Bedikas Chometz takes place on Thursday evening 13 Nissan, April 10th. The Bracha is said before the Bedikas Chometz and Kol Chamira is said afterwards.
Once nightfall arrives, one may not engage in any work until the Bedika (search for Chametz) is carried out. It is traditional to use a feather and the light of a single candle during this search, as well as a wooden spoon. Should a candle be impractical or unsafe, a flashlight may be used. Some have the custom to take 10 pieces of bread tightly wrapped and place them around the house, however a careful note should be kept where these pieces are placed in order that they should be found during this search for Chametz.
Before commencing the search for Chametz, the following Bracha is made:
ברוך אתה ה’ אלוקינו מלך העולם אשר קדשנו במצותיו וצונו על ביעור חמץ.
Blessed are You, King of the Universe, who sanctified us with His commandements and commanded us pertaining to the destruction of unleaven.
One should not make any interruption from the time the Bracha is made until the Kol Chamira prayer is mentioned (below), unless the interruption has to do with the search itself. Chametz which is found during the search should be placed in a receptacle, with the use of a feather. After the search, the following is said:
כל חמירא וחמיעא דאיכא ברשותי, דלא חמתיה ודלא לבטל ולהוי (הפקר) בערתיה ודלא ידענא לה, כעפרא דארעא.
Any Chametz or Leaven that is in my posession, which I have not seen, have not removed, and do not know about, should be annulled and become ownerless like the dust of the earth. The receptacle with the Chametz should be placed in a conspicuous spot, ready to be burned the next morning.