Keurig Machine
Kashering: Clean the coffee maker and do not use for 24 hours
Remove the K-cup holder and perform hagalah (boiling in water) or iruy (pouring boiling water over it) on the K-cup holder.
Run a Kosher for Pesach K-cup in the machine (this will kasher the top pin)
Air fryer
An air fryer has the same halachos as an oven and hagalah would not be sufficient; kashering by libun is required. This can be done by removing the basket from the plastic container and using a blow torch to heat it. This may cause damage to the appliance, so please consult the manual. If one might damage the appliance, one is not permitted to kasher it.
When kashering from meat or dairy to pareve, hagalah or libun kal is sufficient. One can run the oven for an extended period at a temperature above 450oF.
Nespresso Machine
10 Simple Steps to Koshering your Nespresso Machine for Passover:
Please Note: The steps below are NOT intended for milk frothers or machines that use milk. It is only for machines that make pure black coffee only and are pareve.
1. Clean the outside of machine, using a new sponge and a cleaning agent (soap, liquid detergent, etc).
2. Make sure there is no pod in the machine
3. Fill the water canister
4. Turn the machine on
5. Use the Nespresso Descaling kit, ensuring there is no residue buildup.
6. Run a cycle without a pod until the water that comes out is clear. This will clean the inside parts of the machine.
7. Do not use the machine for 24 hours
8. After being left out of use for a full 24 hours, fill the canister to the top again
9. Turn the machine on
10. Kasher the machine by running a cycle without a pod once again.
Stainless Steel
Can be Kashered, see individual utensils (e.g. baking sheet, frying pan, pot). Tevilla: Requires Tevilla
Can not be Kashered for Passover. Tevilla: Requires Tevilla without a Bracha
Urns & Kettles
Can not be Kashered for Passover. Tevilla: Requires Tevilla
This can be Kashered via Hagala assuming there are no cracks where the food might get trapped. If there are cracks, it cannot be Kashered (or used). Tevilla: No Tevilla required.
Dishwasher made of Porcelain
Can not be Kashered for Passover
Dishwasher made of Stainless steel or plastic
Can not be Kashered for Passover
Can not be Kashered for Passover. Tevilla: Requires Tevilla
Enamel Crockpot
Can not be Kashered for Passover. Tevilla: Requires Tevilla without a Bracha
Enamel Pot
Can not be Kashered for Passover. Tevilla: Requires Tevilla without a Bracha
Food Processor
Can not be Kashered for Passover. Tevilla: Requires Tevilla, for the metal parts
Frying pan, with Teflon coating
Can not be Kashered for Passover. Tevilla: Requires Tevilla without a Bracha
Frying pan, without Teflon coating
Can not be Kashered for Passover. Tevilla: Requires Tevilla
Glass-topped range
Can not be Kashered for Passover.
Glasses used for drinking
If used with hot beverages or washed in a dishwasher, they cannot be Kashered for Pesach. All year round, these can be Kashered with Hagala. If used for cold, then fill the glasses with water and leave the water in the glasses for at least 24 hours. Repeat this procedure two additional times with fresh water. Tevilla: Requires Tevilla
Highchair trays
Clean spotlessly and do not use for 24 hours. Pour boiling water over the entire surface, then rinse with cold water and cover with contact paper over Pesach. Tevilla: No Tevilla required.
Hot Plate
To kasher, clean and do not use for 24 hours, then leave on highest setting for half an hour, then cover with 2 layers of heavy duty aluminum foil. Tevilla: No Tevilla required.
Ice Trays-ice buckets
Can not be Kashered for Passover. Tevilla: No Tevilla required.
Mixer & Blender
It’s preferable to purchase separate mixers/blenders for Pesach. If not possible then use the following method:
For Pesach, purchase new blades and bowls. Clean base of machine thoroughly including nooks, crannies and crevices. Tevilla: Requires Tevilla, for the glass parts
Microwave oven
Can not be Kashered for Passover. Tevilla: Requires Tevilla, for the glass plate.
Pot made of Metal
Can Be Kashered using the method of Hagala. Tevilla: Requires Tevilla
Pot made of Teflon-coated metal
Can not be Kashered for Passover. Tevilla: Requires Tevilla without a Bracha
Can not be Kashered for Passover. Tevilla: No Tevilla required.
Can not be Kashered for Passover. Tevilla: Requires Tevilla
Can not be Kashered for Passover. Tevilla: No Tevilla required.
Aluminum (disposable)
Cannot be Kashered. New ones should be first washed with warm soapy water. Tevilla: Does not require Tevilla unless used more than once
Aluminum (not disposable)
If used with liquid, kasher via hagala
– If used without liquids, cannot be Kashered. Tevilla: consult your Rabbi if a Bracha is required.
Baking Tray
Can not be Kashered for Passover Tevilla: Requires Tevilla
Can not be Kashered for Passover Tevilla: Does not require Tevilla
Bone China
Can not be Kashered for Passover Tevilla: Requires Tevilla without a Bracha
Clean braces thoroughly paying special attention to hooks on braces. Some don’t eat hot Chametz for 24 hours prior to the last permitted time for eating Chametz.
Candlesticks & Candlesticks Tray
Clean thoroughly and don’t wash in a sink which is Kosher for Pesach. Some place something between the candlesticks and the Pesach tablecloths. Tevilla: Does not require Tevilla.
Cast Iron
− If used with liquid, kasher via hagala
− If used without liquids, requires libun gamur. Tevilla: Requires Tevilla
Ceramic (e.g. coffee mug)
Can not be Kashered for Passover. Tevilla: Requires Tevilla without a Bracha
Can not be Kashered for Passover. Tevilla: Requires Tevilla without a Bracha
Coffee maker
There are many different types, therefore CONSULT YOUR RABBI Tevilla:There are many different types, therefore CONSULT YOUR RABBI
Colander (metal)
Can not be Kashered for Passover. Tevilla: Requires Tevilla
Can not be Kashered for Passover. Tevilla: Requires Tevilla
Can not be Kashered for Passover. Tevilla: Requires Tevilla without a Bracha
Can not be Kashered for Passover. Tevilla: Requires Tevilla
Dentures (false teeth)
For Pesach, kasher via irui kli rishon after waiting 24 hours from eating hot Chametz.
Continuous cleaning regular over
There are different opinions as to which method is indicated: (1.) Libun Gamur or (2.) Libun Kal. Consult with your Halachic authority as to which method is
Libun Gamur
A torch must be passed over
each part of the metal interior
surface slowly enough so
that each part begins to glow
red. Thermostats should be
removed before this procedure.
WARNING: In the hands of the
inexperienced, this oftens leads
to destroyed wiring, warped
ovens and frayed nerves,
therefore only the experienced
should carry out this process.
Libun Kal
Apply caustic oven cleaner
liberally to all surfaces of the
oven, including the door. Check
the oven to see if all surfaces
are clean, if not, this process
must be repeated. The oven
should remain out of use for
twenty-four hours. Thereafter,
operate the oven at the highest
temperature for at least one
hour. The oven racks must be
in the oven while the Kashering
procedure takes place.
Self cleaning oven
A complete self-clean cycle should be run with the racks inside the oven. The oven may then be used for Pesach without covering the racks. This Kashering may be done even if the oven wasn’t left out of use for 24 hours. Should the racks not have been inside the oven during the Kashering process, they should then be Kashered separately. After the cleaning cycle, some line the glass window of the inside oven door with aluminum foil. Note: all oven cleaners are acceptable for year round use, including Pesach.
Stove tops electric
Stove tops must be cleaned
thoroughly as new. This includes the metal rim around the
element, the enamel surface
between burners, drip pans and
the area under the drip pans
if accessible. The stove knobs
should be removed and cleaned
or replaced. Electric elements
are Kashered by turning them
on the highest setting for
5 minutes. Enamel surfaces
between burners, as well as
drip pans beneath burners
and the metal rim around the
elements should be covered
with aluminum foil. Be careful
not to short circuit the stove
with excess foil. Some have
the custom of having special
metal rims and drip pans for
Passover. Use extreme caution
when doing this. Do not leave
the stove unattended. Do not
Kasher all burners at the same
Stove tops Gas
Stove tops must be cleaned
thoroughly as new. This includes
the iron grid on which the
pot rests, the enamel surface
between burners, drip pans and
the area under the drip pans
if accessible. The stove knobs
should be removed and cleaned or replaced. The iron grids which have
been cleaned thoroughly, should be placed into a
self-cleaning oven and left for an hour on the selfcleaning cycle. If this is not possible, the iron grid
should remain on the stove top and each burner
should be turned on to the highest temperature
for fifteen minutes. It is preferable that for those
fifteen minutes, the burner should be covered
with a piece of metal such as a Blech. Kasher one
burner at a time. Enamel surfaces between burners
as well as drip pans beneath burners should be
covered with aluminum foil. Use extreme caution
when doing this. Do not leave stove unattended.
Do not Kasher all burners at the same time.
The hoods over stoves are prone to being filled
with food remnants. These should be cleaned well,
and covered with aluminum foil. The filters must
be cleaned as new or changed.
Metal sinks
La première étape
All sinks to be Kashered must first be thoroughly
cleaned like new, paying special attention to
crevices and cracks. Additionally, the taps as well as
the faucets must also be thoroughly cleaned.
Deuxième étape
After the cleaning, they must not be used for a
minimum of 24 hours with hot water. Prior to
Kashering, in order to ensure that no hot water is used, it is a good idea to turn off the hot water
valve under the sink. Pour a very strong drain
cleaner down and around the drain/s. The method
of kashering the sink is with Erui. The entire sink
surface must be dry prior to the pouring of the
boiling water, so as not to cool down the water.
Therefore it is recommended to Kasher the base
of the sink first and then to Kasher the sides. Take
a special Passover Kashering kettle and fill it up
with water. Bring the kettle to a boil. Immediately
after the water boils, it should be poured over the
surface to be kashered. Pour boiling water over
every part of the sink, concentrating on small areas
at a time, ensuring that as you pour the water, it
remains boiling hot. Some have the custom of
pouring the boiling water onto a hot stone, and
moving the stone around, while pouring the water.
After the sink/s are Kashered, pour cold water
over them. Boiling hot water must also be poured
over the faucet/s as well as the hot and cold
water knobs. If the spout has a strainer, it must be
changed for Passover. (Sink stoppers should also
be changed). After Kashering, some people have
the custom of covering the sink/s with an insert.
Enamel, Porcelain, Corian, Fiberglass, & Granite composite Sinks
These sinks can not be Kashered. They should be cleaned thoroughly as new. Pour a very strong drain cleaner down and around the drain. Thereafter, the sink should be covered with special Pesach inserts. Since the hot and cold water taps, as well as the faucets are metal, these
should be Kashered with Erui
as explained above (See Metal
Sinks). If the spout has a strainer,
it must be changed for Passover.
(Sink stoppers should also be
Coutner tops, Formica, Corian, Surrell, Quartz, Resin, Granite Composite
There are various types of counter tops commonly in use and we list below those which are frequently questioned: These cannot be Kashered.
The counter should be spotlessly
cleaned and covered with
contact paper or an additional
piece of Formica.
Coutner tops, Polished Marble, Stainless Steel Commercial Counter, Polished Granite
These may be Kashered. Step One
All surfaces to be Kashered
must first be thoroughly cleaned
as new.
Deuxième étape
After the cleaning, they must
not be used for a minimum of
24 hours for anything hot, prior
to the Kashering. The entire
surface must be dry prior to
pouring the boiling water, so as
not to cool it down. The method
of Kashering this counter is with
Erui. Take a special Passover
Kashering kettle and fill it up
with water. Bring the kettle to a
boil. Immediately after the water
boils, it should be poured over
the surface to be kashered. Pour
boiling water over every part of
these surfaces, concentrating on
small areas at a time, ensuring
that as you pour the water it is
boiling hot. After the counter is
Kashered, pour cold water over
it. After the Kashering, many
have a custom of covering the
surface. If the polished marble or
granite is cracked, filled, or when
installed, coated with a special
sealant, please consult your Halachic authority, whether it
can be Kashered.
Tablecloths & Dish Towels
The usual method of cleaning e.g. dry cleaning, laundry by washing machine is sufficient. There are however those who prefer to have separate tablecloths and dish towels for Pesach. Make sure that STARCH is not used. Towels and tablecloths should be washed with detergent, with the machine at the hottest setting. Before doing this, temporarily set your hot water heater to its highest setting. (Don’t forget to lower it afterwards to avoid scalding) New tablecloths may contain a starch which is not acceptable for Passover. Be sure to wash them before Pesach use. Plastic tablecloths previously used for Chametz should not be used on Pesach. New plastic table coverings need no special Pesach certificate or preparation.